Better Days
Cat Sanctuary
Better Days Rescue Fund, Inc., Roxbury, CT
Our mission is to bring better days to abandoned, unadoptable cats with special needs.
Sanctuary Life
Every cat you see playing in our outdoor enclosure has come from abuse, abandonment, injury or illness. Here, they can run and play in safety with a full belly and a warm bed to sleep in. Our indoor rooms are cage-free with lots of places to climb and sleep!
Check out another video of the sanctuary on TikTok!
How You
Can Help
Setting up a monthly sponsorship donation provides a steady source of funding to care for our kitties with chronic illnesses who require regular medication and vet care, along with food, litter and the supplies needed to provide them with a quality life. Become a Sponsor Today!
Become a Sponsor
Help us to continue saving cats from suffering and euthanasia. Your money stays in the local community and, because we are all-volunteer, more of your money goes directly to caring for the cats. Donate Today!
Where Your Donation Goes
Eli was rescued after being hit by a car. Near death, he had a broken pelvis and dislocated hip. Surgery saved his leg and his life. But he was feral and no one could handle him. After all he had been through, euthanasia was being considered! That's when BDRF got a call and Eli joined the family. He hid in corners, frightened and alone. With patience and time he has learned to trust more and more. Today he is sweet and loving!
Popcorn was part of a feral colony and was found one day with a large gash on the side of his face. A local rescue took him in and they reached out for help.
The vet treated Popcorn's wound, reattaching the skin where he could. It looks like Popcorn had a bad run-in with a fence or something else that tore his skin. It didn’t seem to be from a fight or abuse. After several rounds of antibiotics and wound treatments, we could not save his eye, and he had surgery to remove it.
Although he was found in a feral colony, it is likely Popcorn once had a home with humans and ended up thrown out or abandoned.
It's not often you get a call from the Beardsley Zoo looking to place a big cat! OK, a big house cat! A large, 18-pound feral cat that had wandered into the zoo. We took him in and named him Theodore. Not only is he feral, we discovered he is almost completely blind! We have been working to make him feel at home and to become the "teddy bear" we know he is. He has already come a long way!
More Ways
to Help
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Email: betterdaysrescue@gmail.com
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Mail Checks to:
Better Days Rescue Fund
PO Box 116 Roxbury, CT 06783
Your donation is tax deductible!